Python and pyxll

Many recent posts here look at using Python in place of VBA, using pyxll to access Excel data and the Excel object model.

Details of the pyxll package (including download, free trial, and full documentation) can be found at:


For those installing a new copy of pyxll, a 10% discount on the first year’s fees is available using the coupon code “NEWTONEXCELBACH10”.

Examples and download files using pyxll and Python can be found on the recent series of posts looking at linking to the Nupy and Scipy libraries:

Scipy functions with Excel and pyxll

Scipy Functions with Excel and pyxll 2 – Interpolation

Scipy Functions with Excel and pyxll 3 – Solvers 1

Scipy Functions with Excel and pyxll 4 – Solvers 2

Scipy Functions with Excel and pyxll 5 – Evaluate with Units

Scipy Functions with Excel and pyxll 6 – Integration

Scipy Functions with Excel and pyxll 7 – Linear Algebra

Scipy Functions with Excel and pyxll 8 – Statistics

Scipy Functions with Excel and pyxll 9 – Special, distance, space and constants functions and FFT

Many other posts can be found simply by clicking on PyXll in the Categories drop-down list to the right.