New Excel Engineering Blog

I just found Excel Unusual, which has been going since September this year.  Here’s what the Author says:

“Finding engineering work quite un-challenging lately I decided to start this blog in which to share cool ways of solving engineering problems or just interesting modeling of natural phenomena in MS Excel 2003. I use mainly cell formulas with minimum of VBA in order to take advantage of the ease of “programming” and the native speed of the Excel spreadsheet.”

He has some amazing stuff on there, including this Excel generated simulation of a roller coaster:

Have a look!

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13 Responses to New Excel Engineering Blog

  1. George Lungu says:

    Hi Doug,

    Thanks a lot for posting this. Today I’ve already got 15 visits due to your link. I am at the beginning of bloging and it helps a lot. I haven’t known about your site until today. It is a great resource and I added a link on my “Resources” page.

    My blog specializes in engineering but in a less serious (more educational and fun oriented) manner. There are free downloads too. I recommend the planetary system and the roller coaster. George Lungu


    • dougaj4 says:

      George – thanks for the link back.

      Have you seen the Excel Hero site? I think some of the things he does with Excel charts there might appeal to you.


  2. ross says:

    Hi guys,

    Looks like some grate stuff over there, nice work George, love the roller coster!


  3. George Lungu says:

    Hi Doug,
    I am familiar with, it’s a very good site. It has a lot of interesting things and I am talking mainly about the optical illusions. He does not use Excel exclusively and he seems to program in various languages.
    On the side, I am new to blogging, how do you handle spam? I get a lot of it (30 or so a day and growing). Right now I go through everything by hand and reject 95%. I see you don’t have membership or “captcha”, just like me, but you get enough good comments.
    Cheers, George


    • dougaj4 says:

      George – I normally don’t get more than about 4 spams a day, I don’t know why. The spam filter picks up nearly all the spam, but it does pick up a few non-spam posts (even from people who have posted comments several times before, like the one from Ross above), so I go through it regularly before deleting them all.


  4. George Lungu says:

    Doug, I apologize for wasting your time, which filter do you use. I am quite cheap and didn’t buy the recommended “Aksimet” subscription. As a matter of fact I don’t have any yet. Thanks, George


    • dougaj4 says:

      George – no problem.

      The WordPress hosted blogs have the Aksimet spam filter included for no charge, so that’s what I use.

      I’m a bit confused about the statistics though. They have a graph showing a total of 27,601 spams caught (over 2 1/2 years), currently running at about 20 / day with a peak of about 200. But I don’t see anything like that, and they also have a table showing about 2000 spam detected over the two years, which is closer to what I see.

      Anyway, Askimet seems to work pretty well, with almost no spam getting through, and false positives are rare.


  5. George Lungu says:

    Thanks for the info, Doug. Let me tell you my stats. I started in September with about 10-15 visits a day and 2-3 spam messages. Now I get about 30-50 spams/day with 80-200 visits/day (no filter whatsoever). Some are not really spam by robots but I cut anything that sells stuff.
    Based on my experience 27K spams sounds just right for your site. 2000 is an unrealistic number. George


    • dougaj4 says:

      From the Akismet FAQ page:

      “My reported caught numbers look to be off?

      Some versions of the Akismet for WordPress plugin will hide duplicate comments, making it appear to be a different number caught than displayed.”

      So I guess I must have a lot of duplicate comments. In that case it looks like the filter is saving me a lot more time than I realised.


  6. George Lungu says:

    Doug, I installed Akismet and in the last 2 days it caught 82 spam messages. No “ham” yet. George


  7. Great stuff you got there. You must have worked on this so hard, but the result is really GREAT!


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